Tuesday 2 December 2014

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 8

In week 8 I will complete the following:

  • Finish and upload shot list
  • Finish and upload research of proposed celebrities
  • Finish and upload research of funding for my film
  • Start filming and finish all filming if possible
  • Start and finish research of marketing and distribution

Monday 1 December 2014

Dyer's Star Theory

Proposed Celebrities

Powered by emaze

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 7

In week 7 I will complete the following:

  • Upload research of Dyer's Star Theory
  • Continue working on shot list
  • Start research of my proposed celebrities
  • Start research of funding for my film
  • Start risk assessment
  • Get audience feedback of blog before the start of filming

Saturday 29 November 2014

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 6

In week 6 I will complete the following:

  • Finish and upload shooting planning list
  • Get props/actors ready for filming
  • Start working on shot list
  • Research Dyer's Star Theory

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Shooting Planning List

Story Board


Audience for my product

After researching different audience uses, I think the best age classification for my product would be an age rating of 15. This is because my film contains moderate uses of horror and threat, but however it does not contain a sustained focus on sadistic or sexualised threat. My film is not suitable for viewers under the age of 15 because young children would find images rather disturbing and scary, and children may be psychologically unsettled as a result.

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 5

In week 5 I will complete the following:

  • Complete research into different age ratings on films - defining the audience
  • Complete the story board, embed from YouTube and upload to blog
  • Start working on the shooting planning list

Friday 21 November 2014

Product name, font and connotations research: name

To research how effective my product name would be, I asked people their first impressions on the name, and to brainstorm their ideas. The overall impression people got from the name and tagline were horror/thriller genres. The overall impression of the name and tagline is that it would be appropriate and effective for my film because the ideas relate to my film synopsis.

Product name, font and connotations research: font

I asked 12 people to pick their favourite font and which looked best for my film from the above. The most popular font chosen was 'An Unfortunate Event' by The Flea Pit, as 4/12 people said it looked the best. I would have also chosen this font as I think that it would fit best with my film and its genre. I have decided to use this font for my film.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 4

In week 4 I will complete the following:

  • Continue working on story board
  • Complete research on name, fonts and connotations
  • Start on research of different age ratings on films - defining audience

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Propp and his Theory


  • Vladimir Propp was a Russian critic
  • His seminal book, Morphology of the Folk Tale, was first published in 1928 and has had a huge influence on literary theorists and practitioners ever since.
  • Essentially interested in the narrative of folk tales, noticing their similarities
  • Created a theory behind this, identifying characters, actions and narrative functions
  • Typical characters he found were:
  • Villain - struggles against the hero, often causes destruction
  • Hero - defeats the villain, marries the Princess, solves dilemma 
  • Donor - prepares Hero - supplies Hero with a magical object that helps him on his quest
  • Dispatcher - makes the lack known and sends the Hero off
  • False Hero - perceived to be a good character at the start, but then emerges as evil, often betrays the Hero
  • Helper -  helps the Hero to conquer his quest
  • Princess - marries the hero, often sought for during the narrative
  • Princess' Father - often objects to marriage of Princess and Hero, protective of daughter
  • He noticed that there was a struggle scene and a recognition scene
  • Narrative functions are the 31 stages within the story which determine what is going to happen next. The narrative functions of the story are important because they make up the whole plot.

Todorov and his Theory

Friday 7 November 2014

Film Synopsis

 Synopsis Title – Jinx
 Target Audience – 15+
A car crash – one of a couple dies – an argument in the car initiated by the driver – driver then loses concentration.
Fault is the driver – the passenger who dies comes back to haunt the driver.
Ouija messages to the driver – such as “I will get you” – “it’s your fault all those people died”
The driver is the husband. The passenger is the wife.
There are a series of accidents at the scene where people witness something paranormal.
After each witness, receives contact again from ghost.
Driver has to stop the revenge – by doing some research on paranormal occurrences.
Ending – audience don’t know the driver is jinxed – he hires an exorcist and the ghost of his wife is laid to rest.
Extra scene – protagonist driving away from his second wedding in wedding clothes – then comes a crash.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 3

In week 3 I will complete the following:

  •  Start to think about what fonts and connotations are going to be in the film
  •  Do more research on Todorov's and Propp's theory - upload to blog
  •  Start working on story board
  • Complete and upload film synopsis onto blog

Research into similar products: analysis of opening sequence and trailer examples

Saturday 11 October 2014

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 2

In week 2 I will complete the following:

  •  Complete the research and analysis into similar products
  •  Questionnaire of genre
  •  Results from questionnaire - analyse and create graphs/pie charts 
  •  Start to think about what is going to be on the story board
  • Start to think about film synopsis

Questionnaire Results

Genre Research Questionnaire: Horror

Sunday 5 October 2014

Action Plan - Term 1, Week 1

In week 1 I will complete the following:

  • Main task brief: reading the brief, interpreting the information and uploading it to my blog.
  • Initial thoughts: start to work on my initial thoughts including the genre, setting etc.
  • Research into similar products: I will start to analyse different opening sequences and develop ideas for my film.
  • Questionnaire: decide on what genre I will like to to base my film on and start to think about what sort of questions would be effective.

Main Task - Planning List

  • Main task brief 
  • Initial thoughts 
  • Questionnaire relating to overall treatment/genre 
  • Questionnaire results 
  • Genre research 
  • Action plan/log
  • Research into similar products- style models: textual analysisof similar products. Identify conventions in camerawork, sound, mise-en-scene, editing, duration and NARRATIVE. 
  • Overall synopsis of film 
  • Product name, fonts and connotations
  • Storyboard - identify how shots will be filmed, mise-en-scene, organisation of actors

Main Task Brief

Main Brief
Title and opening of a new crime film, to last a maximum of 2 minutes. All audio and video material must be original, produced by candidates, exemption of music and/or audio for effects from a copyright free source.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Preliminary Task Planning

Story Board

Shot List

First Shot: 
LONG SHOT -Charater 1 walks through the door (start of Match on Action)
Second Shot: 
MEDIUM CLOSE UP- Charater 1 contuines to walk through the studio
Third Shot:
LOW ANGLE SHOT- Looking up at Charater 2 (must remeber 180 degree rule)  
 Dialouge Starts
Fourth Shot:

OVER THE SHOLDER SHOT -Continued Conversation
Fith Shot:
CLOSE UP- Coming to the end of the coversation
Dialouge draws to a close
Sixth Shot:
SHOT REVERSE SHOT- switch to over sholder shot
Last of the dailouge
Seventh shot:
MEDIUM LONG SHOT- Charater 2 walks off still in shot (laughter from charater 1 and 2
should be evident)

Preliminary Task Introduction

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free sources.

This Must Include: 
-Match on Action
-Crossing a room 
-Sitting down in a chair opposite another character
-Dialogue: shot-reverse-shot